Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Pre-Med Fellowship Opportunity in India

The Mabelle Arole Fellowship, awarded annually since 2002 through John Snow, Inc (JSI) Research and Training, invites applicants interested in community health and admitted to medical school for fall 2013 to apply.  If awarded the Fellowship, s/he defers entrance to medical school for one year.  Applications are due in mid-January 2013 and finalists are interviewed in mid-March in Washington, DC (at the candidate's expense).  The Fellow would depart the US in late July 2013 and returns in late spring of 2014.  The Fellow, who receives $8,000 to cover all expenses, spends 10 months at the Comprehensive Rural Health Project at Jamkhed (in Maharashtra).  Information is available on the AMSA website (www.amsa.org. - search for Arole) which has a link to the Jamkhed site and contains reports by previous Fellows. 

Questions can be directed to Dr. David Pyle at dpyle@JSI.com or 503-894-8546.

Demystifying Healthcare Promises

The Society of Multicultural Medicine presents..

An open discussion on healthcare reform: What does each candidate of this election promise?

Dr. John Arras, Porterfield Professor of Biomedical Ethics, Philosophy, and Public Health Sciences will talk about the Affordable Care Act and how it impacts YOU. 

When: Thursday, November 1st
Time: 6:30 - 8:30pm
Where: Physics 203

Refreshments will be provided!

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Am I Doing This Right?: Searching and Interviewing for Opportunities

title Am I Doing This Right?: Searching and Interviewing for Opportunities
date Mon, October 29, 2012
time 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
location UCS Library in Bryant Hall
contactLaura Neidert
what to bringSomething to take notes with
food providedNone
program areaALL
topicJob Search Strategies
DESCRIPTION  Join UCS for a "hands on" session geared to demystify the challenges of using technology to find the right job or internship. We'll discuss how to make the best use of UCS Resources, completing phone interviews with ease, and mastering an on camera presence for a Skype interview. Each session is different, so attend one or all of them!
October 29th: The MyUCS Family of Resources
November 5th: Improving the phone interview
November 13th: You want me to interview with what? Navigating a Skype interview

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Pitt Public Health Open House

Friday, November 9, 2012 from 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Learn about the field of public health and how Pitt prepares students for careers that contribute to a healthier world.

The event web site is www.publichealth.pitt.edu/openhouse

At the Open House, students can learn how their interests and career goals might fit with public health disciplines. The departments include Behavioral and Community Health Sciences, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health, Health Policy and Management, Human Genetics, and Infectious Diseases and Microbiology. Students from many academic backgrounds committed to making a difference in the world find their passion at Pitt Public Health.

For more information about Pitt Public Health, please see the latest admissions catalog at www.publichealth.pitt.edu/docs/PittPubHlthCatalog.pdf

Here you can find descriptions of the departments and degree programs, our certificate programs, research centers, application instructions and much more!

Potential Bridge Year Opportunity!

The Neuropathology Department at Columbia is hiring a technician to help out in the NY Brain Bank!

To view a job description, and to apply, please visit  https://jobs.columbia.edu/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1351191530921

The job posting is Req Number 067794 on the Columbia Jobs site: http://www.columbia.edu/content/employment-columbia.html

Undergraduate Research Fair

Trick or Treat at the Undergraduate Research Fair: Opportunities and Candy

Oct. 31, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Newcomb Hall Kaleidoscope Room.

Come speak with more than 20 offices and departments about opportunities for undergraduate research. Pick up research tips and candy from each table. See http://www.virginia.edu/cue/  for more information.

Dinner and Discussion: Current Developments in HIV Treatment

Oct. 29, 6 to 7 p.m.
Maury 209

Join FACE AIDS at U.Va. and the Queer Student Union for a dinner and discussion of the current state of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Hear from a variety of perspectives including research, policy, and advocacy, and engage in a discussion of the issues surrounding ending AIDS.

Dinner will be provided!

Email kmm7kh@virginia.edu if you have any questions.

Online Lifestyle and Mental Health Educational Program

Online Lifestyle and Mental Health Educational Program: Available through CAPS

Student HealthQuest is now accessible for all students through the CAPS website. It contains excellent student culture-based information, self assessments, and interactive pieces on the following topics:
1. maintaining positive relationships
2. improving mood and self-esteem
3. managing stress and anxiety
4. cultivating a healthy lifestyle
5. nutrition and body image
6. controlling anger and impulsivity
7. coping with trauma

Check it out today at http://healthquest.virginia.edu/account/login/ !

UCS Open House - Tomorrow!

University Career Services: Open House
Oct. 26, 3 to 5 p.m.
Bryant Hall at Scott Stadium

University Career Services (UCS) is hosting an informal drop-in session as part of U.Va.’s Family Weekend.
Stop by for delicious refreshments and to learn about the resources and people that can facilitate your career development. UCS staff will be on hand to introduce you to online and print resources, to share tips on resume-writing, networking, and interviewing, and more. Let us answer your questions in a casual, relaxed setting. See the website for more information.

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Summer Undergraduate Research Programs

Please see the following link to research summer undergraduate research programs!  These are great opportunities to pursue during the summer!


Enrichment Programs!

Please see the following link to research enrichment programs on medical school campuses!  You can search via state, school, education level needed, focus, and length of program!


Save the Date! Three Recruitment Fairs in April 2013

The Health Professions Advising Offices at the University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University, and George Washington University will be hosting Health Professions School Recruitment Fairs on April 22-24, 2013. Over the course of three days, health professions schools will be able to interact with over 5500 pre-med/health students between all three undergraduate institutions, as well as students who will be invited from neighboring colleges and universities. 

All three Fairs will be free of charge to students with no registration required.   If you have early questions, please contact Nick Celedon (Univ of Maryland) at celedon@umd.edu,  Katie Cruit (Johns Hopkins Univ) at kcruit@jhu.edu, or Amy Serridge (George Washington Univ) at serridge@gwu.edu.  

DATE:       Monday, April 22, 2013
TIME:       4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
LOCATION:   Charles E. Smith Center
                       On the campus of George Washington University

DATE:       Tuesday, April 23, 2013
TIME:       4:00 pm -7:00 pm
LOCATION:   Glass Pavilion – Levering Hall
                        On the campus of Johns Hopkins University

DATE:       Wednesday, April 24, 2013
TIME:       3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
LOCATION:   Grand Ballroom- Stamp Student Union
                        On the campus of the University of Maryland

Blueprint Leadership Development Program

Apply for BLUEPRINT!

BLUEPRINT is a leadership development program for first and second-year students and transfer students at the University of Virginia.  It is a seven week program running during the spring semester, February 2, 2011-March 30, 2011. 

BLUEPRINT is designed for those students who demonstrate leadership potential and interest in developing their personal organizational skills in an intentional, educational, and reflective team environment.

Program highlights include:
-Weekly meetings/seminars featuring distinguished guest speakers
- Small group interaction, facilitated by Peer Leaders, allowing for reflection and meaningful discussion
- Opportunities to develop your own leadership style, priorities, and portfolio
- A chance to network and make new friends!

More information and the program application can be found online at: https://atuva.student.virginia.edu/organization/blueprintleadershipprogram.  If you have any questions about the program, please do not hesitate to contact Stephanie Glover, one of the program advisers (slg3d@virginia.edu).

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

Withdrawing from a Course

There may be a point in your undergraduate career where circumstances lead you to decide that withdrawing from a course is the right decision for you.  Such situations may include realizing that you are in over your head, extreme levels of stress due to being enrolled in a certain course, unexpected family obligations, or an injury or illness that may make you incapable of completing the work load in a course. Many students ask us if it is, “okay to withdrawal from a course.” In general, Health professions schools will understand a withdrawal from a course if it is accompanied by a detailed explanation of why it was the right decision for you at the time. That being said, if your academic record shows that withdrawals occurred on a regular basis throughout your undergraduate career, schools may feel that you consistently were unable to manage your time or gauge your studies appropriately. If you need help explaining to a school why you withdrew from a course, stop by our walk-in or drop in hours.

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Drop-Ins Canceled October 24th

Health Professions Drop-Ins will be canceled next Wednesday, October 24th due to the Diversity Career Day.

Diversity Career Day 2012

When: Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Where: John Paul Jones Arena
               295 Massie Road
              Charlottesville, VA 22903

Diversity Career Day (DCD) attracts over 150 corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies seeking candidates with diverse backgrounds. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to meet employers in person, learn about different organizations and positions, and talk with them about your experiences. DCD is the perfect place to make a good first impression and start networking your way to a career!

Diversity Career Day is open to all students at colleges and universities throughout Virginia and Washington DC. This regional recruiting event typically attracts more than 1200 students from all majors looking for full-time and internship opportunities. All students are welcome!

Think that Diversity Career Day is not for health professions students?  Think again!  Organizations represented could be amazing bridge year opportunities, including non-profits, the UVA Health System, EPIC medical software, the Peace Corps, Teach for America, and more!

There will also be a photo booth at DCD!  Passport-sized photos will be taken for LinkedIn accounts.  These pictures would suffice for your photo submission on secondary applications for health professions programs!  The photo booth will be at the event from 11am-1pm.

Students are not required to pre-register and can simply check-in at the registration desk when they arrive.

For more information about Diversity Career Day, please visit  http://www.career.virginia.edu/students/events/dcd.php

Standardized Testing Information

Please see the following link for information regarding all health professions standardized tests! 

Tests included are MCAT 2013, the new MCAT 2015, GRE, PCAT, DAT, and OAT.


Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

J-Term Class on Health Care

STS 2500 American Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities
J-Term 2013

This course offers an opportunity to learn about the structure and function of the health care system in the United States.  Lectures and classroom sessions will cover the history and current status of the education and delivery systems, and examine the challenges that face providers, patients,  policy makers, and engineers as health care becomes more effective and more expensive.  Issues related to manpower, financing, access, disparities, and developing technology will be examined, with discussion of approaches to understanding and addressing significant problems, challenges, and opportunities.

See SIS for more information!

Research Office Hours

Looking to Get into Research?
Get advice, ideas, professors' names at Research Office Hours
Hosted by the Undergraduate Research Network
Where? Clemons 200F

Come anytime to the following advisers' Office Hours:

Wednesday Oct 10 4-5pm    Brad Brown
Thursday Oct 11 5-6pm    Mahum Inam
Tuesday Oct 16 7-8pm    Se Jeong
Thursday Oct 18 10-11pm    Venkat Iyer
Friday Oct 19 2-3pm    Connor Wang

Ecela Spanish Programs

These programs are short-term (three or six week) study abroad sessions suitable for pre-health students and feature a Spanish immersion course and medical shadowing.  Sign up for program updates at http://abroad.ecelaspanish.com/medical/.

Proficiency in Spanish is not required, however they do encourage students below intermediate to come a few weeks early.

2013 Group Programs
Santiago, Chile (Jan term, three weeks)  Max 15 students.
Buenos Aires, Argentina (summer session 1, six weeks)  Max 30 students.
Cusco, Peru (summer session 2, six weeks)  Max 30 students.

At this point they do not have the exact prices set, however they expect program cost (Spanish course, healthcare component, and administration fees) to be about $2,200 for the summer sesssions and $1,300 for January term.
They will be accepting applications in a few weeks.  To stay updated, please register for the program updates list.

For more information, please email info@ecela.com.

Program on Global Health and Technology Access

Are you a undergraduate, law, medical, or graduate student interested in topics such as OPEN ACCESS, INNOVATION AND ACCESS TO MEDICINES, and/or ANTIBIOTIC DEFENSE?

Then join AMSA and the Duke Program on Global Health and Technology Access in Durham, NC at Duke University for the first ever Knowledge4GlobalHealth Leadership Institute!

November 16-18, 2012
Application Deadline: October 12, 2012

For more information on the institute, visit http://www.amsa.org/AMSA/Homepage/EducationCareerDevelopment/AMSAAcademy/K4GH.aspx

Global Health Initiatives at UVa

Monday, 10/22 at 6PM in Maury 209  

The Pan-Public Health Union at UVA presents a dinner and panel/discussion on getting involved in global health and development. Dr. Rebecca Dillingham and April Ballard from the Center for Global Health and Jeanita Richardson from Global Development Studies will speak about opportunities to get involved in global development and health. Learn the basics of getting involved globally: how to get started, get funding, and get moving. Dinner will be provided!

International Service Learning Opportunities

"Changing the World One Adventure at a Time"

 Do you want to experience field clinical work firsthand in villages of Costa Rica, Belize, or Nicaragua? Interested in medicine, public health, or nursing? Travel to Costa Rica, Belize, or Nicaragua for 1-2 weeks over winter break, setting up medical clinics in underprivileged villages with doctors and fellow UVA students! Deadlines for the applications are fast approaching, so please email isl.at.uva@gmail.com with questions and to learn more about International Service Learning.

You can also visit  http://www.islonline.org/ for more information!

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

MCAT Registration for January to May Test Dates is Now Open!

Registration for MCAT test dates from January to May 2013is now open!

Visit https://www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat/reserving/ to register and for more information about preparing for the test!

Diversity Career Day 2012!

When: Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Where: John Paul Jones Arena
               Charlottesville, Virginia

Wondering HOOS Going to Diversity Career Day? EVERYONE! Diversity Career Day attracts over 100 non-profit organizations, corporations, and government agencies seeking candidates with diverse backgrounds. You don't want to miss this opportunity to meet employers in person, learn about different organizations and positions, and get your questions answered. DCD is the perfect place to make a good first impression and start networking your way to a career!  Do you want to work for an organization that values diversity?  Diversity Career Day is open to students in all majors seeking jobs or internships. The companies in attendance are organizations that recognize the value of diversity in the workplace. If you are interested in working in an open, welcoming environment that encourages a variety of perspectives from employees of different backgrounds, you should come meet these recruiters!

Did you know...

Direct one-to-one contact with people, preferably face to face, is by far the most effective way to get a job or internship.
Everything you need to know about a career field in order to make a decision about your future goals cannot be found in books or online; people are the best resource.
Last year, over 1200 students from U.Va. and 30 other schools attended Diversity Career Day - don't miss out!

Ways to Prepare and Make the Most of DCD:
• Review the list of registered organizations and research companies of interest by reading their descriptions and visiting their web sites.
• Attend one of the Career Fair 101 Workshops! See the UCS Calendar (http://www.career.virginia.edu/calendar/) for dates and times.
• Read the UCS handout on Navigating a Career Fair. (http://www.career.virginia.edu/students/handouts/navigating_fair.pdf)
• Prepare a 30-second personal commercial. Watch a short video tutorial for more information!
• Visit UCS for a resume critique during our walk-in hours. Walk-ins are welcome Monday-Friday 1:00pm to 3:00pm at UCS in Bryant Hall. Additional resume tips are available here!
• Listen to the podcast of UCS's "Making the Most of Career Fairs" panel discussion to get advice directly from recruiters on how to be successful at the event!
• Complete the OGI Orientation. Many of the organizations at Diversity Career Day will ask you to apply for their On-Grounds Interviewing (OGI) positions, so don't forget to complete this important step BEFORE the event.

Diversity Career Day is generously sponsored by Enterprise Holdings, Inc.

CAVLink Job Search Agent

Save Searches and Get Updates by Email Using the Job Search Agent!

Your job or internship search can be time consuming, but CAVLink makes the whole process more efficient with its My Search Agents feature. Instead of creating a new search every time you log on, you can save criteria (e.g. industry, location, company, etc.) as a search agent.

Here's how to do it: 
Choose "Advanced Search" in the CAVLink Jobs section. Before you begin, click 'save' and name the search agent something simple like 'Consulting Internships 2013' or 'Museum Jobs'. Notice that CAVLink has a number of fields you can fill in - don't worry, you only have to fill out as much (or as little) as you'd like. As soon as you submit your search, it will be saved under "My Search Agents." If you'd like CAVLink to run this search automatically every week, you can create a schedule under the "My Search Agents" tab. Every time a run generates new opportunities, you'll receive an email that includes the search results.  

Best of luck on your job or internship search!

Drexel University Global Health Opportunities Day

When: October 19, 2012

Where:  Drexel University
               Health Sciences Campus
               245 N. 15th Street
               Philadelphia, PA 19102

Drexel University will host its second Global Health Opportunities Day on October 19, 2012 to present students from Drexel University and other institutions with networking opportunities and workshops to help them pursue careers or experiences in global health.

The event is sponsored by Drexel University's School of Public Health, Office of International Programs, College of Arts and Sciences, International Area Studies Program, Office of Student Life, Pennoni Honors College, Fellowships Office, Study Abroad Office, College of Nursing and Health Professions, School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems, Steinbright Career Development Center, and the WeServe Program.

The day features a keynote address by Dr. Steven Larson, Executive Director of Puentes de Salud and Assistant Dean of Global Health at the Perelman School of Medicine.

There will also be a panel discussion open to all entitled "What’s Out There: Opportunities to Work and Volunteer in Global Health," which features representatives from Global Health Fellows Program II, Explorers Sans Frontieres, and more. All college students (undergraduate and graduate) and alumni from any university are welcome to attend.

The event is free, however registration is required at www.publichealth.drexel.edu/globalhealth

October and November Medical Center Hours

Medical Center Hours are held in the Jordan Conference Center Auditorium on Wednesdays from 12:30pm until 1:30pm.  For more information, please visit:  http://www.medicine.virginia.edu/community-service/centers/biomedical-ethics-and-humanities/medical-center-hour/medicalcenterhour

24 October 2012
We Are What We Eat … and What We Build: How Designing Healthy Communities
Is a Health Issue

Richard J. Jackson MD MPH, Department of Environmental Health Sciences and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA, Los Angeles CA
Timothy Beatley PhD, Center for Design and Health, School of Architecture, UVA
Co-presented with the Center for Design and Health, School of Architecture, and Department of Public Health Sciences

31 October 2012
Overdiagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health
H. Gilbert Welch MD MPH, Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Research, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College, Hanover NH
Co-presented with the Sadie Lewis Webb Program on Law and Health, School of Law

7 November 2012
The Bice Memorial Lecture of the School of Nursing
RN-MD Collaboration: A Work in Progress
Theresa Brown BSN RN OCN, clinical nurse, author, and “Bedside” opinion columnist, The New York Times
Co-presented with the School of Nursing

14 November 2012
What’s Ahead for Health Care Reform (Now that the Supreme Court and the Electorate Have Weighed In)?
Timothy S. Jost JD, School of Law, Washington and Lee University, Lexington VA
Carolyn L. Engelhard MAPA, Department of Public Health Sciences, UVA
Co-presented with the Sadie Lewis Webb Program in Law and Health, the Institute for Practical Ethics and Public Life, the Department of Public Health Sciences, and the Bioethics and Health Policy Medical Student interest Group

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

New Trial Section on 2013 MCAT

2013 MCAT examinees will not take the Writing Sample section of the MCAT exam.  The Writing Sample section was removed to make room for a Trial Section.  The Trial Section is a voluntary section of the exam that asks examinees to test out questions for a future version of the MCAT exam.  The Trial Section will be the last section of the test day and it will take 45 minutes to complete.  Examinees do not have to worry about preparing or not doing well; they simply need to try their best.  Their answers will not contribute to their MCAT scores in any way.   

MCAT 2013 Test Dates Have Been Announced!

Registration opens for all the following test dates on October 16, 2012.  Registration deadlines are two full weeks (14 days) before the test date.  For more information and to register, please visit www.aamc.org/mcat

January 24, 2013 – 8:00 AM
January 26, 2013 – 1:00 PM
March 23, 2013 – 8:00 AM
April 4, 2013 – 8:00 AM
April 26, 2013 – 8:00 AM
April 27, 2013 – 1:00 PM