Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Bridge Year Essay Opportunity

I know we've sent this out before, but please consider writing one if you haven't already (thanks to those of you who have submitted your stories!). We'd like to have them available for students who will be grappling with this decision next semester.

One of the most significant decisions that students interested in the health professions make during their time at U.Va is when to apply to professional school. Many students feel the need to apply the summer following their third year, but others decide, for a number of reasons, that this is not the best option for them. In an attempt to assist future  potential applicants with this decision, we are looking to create a binder of essays from those who have chosen to apply at a different time. Ideally we would like to include stories which represent the variety of reasons why someone may wait to apply. This includes but is not limited to individuals who:
*Completed additional academic coursework
(Formal Post Baccalaureate programs, Master Programs, Ph.D or Other) 
*Committed to a clinical experience
*Explored other career options
*Wanted to gain more life experience in general

Clearly it is difficult to summarize all of life’s options in a few bullet points, but the point is we are looking for a variety of experiences to help future applicants see real people who have made these decisions.

You do not need to have been accepted to professional school yet to submit!

If you would like to participate, please submit your essay (maximum 2 pages) electronically to Rebecca Christy (rac8q@virginia.edu ) You will remain anonymous and you may want to consider limiting identifying information.

Things to consider mentioning your essay:
The decision making process- Were you initially excited, disappointed, surprised etc. when the idea of a bridge year(s) came about?
What  have you learned and in what ways does your experience impact your candidacy for professional school?

Thank you for your time and consideration! Also feel free to pass this along to any other U.Va students or Alumni who may want to share their story!

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