Kamis, 12 April 2012

Attention Fourth-Year Arts & Sciences Majors

Considering your post-graduation options? Already solidified your post-graduation plans?

In conjunction with the Center for Survey Research, University Career Services, has created a brief 5-10 minute online survey to gather information about post-graduation plans of students from the College of Arts & Sciences. Whether you are still assessing your options, or your plans are solidified, we want to hear from you now! All fourth year students from the College are encouraged to participate.

We hope that you can devote a few minutes to filling out this important electronic survey (sent to your UVa e-mail on Wednesday, April 11th).  

Thank you in advance for your help with this project. We look forward to hearing from you!

Please feel free to contact Sarah Isham from University Career Services, sarahisham@virginia.edu with any questions.

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