This is a reminder that DENTPIN application and DAT application and score processing will be interrupted this month. See the message below from the ADA:
Important DAT Policy Updates and Notice about Interruption of Testing Services in January 2012
The American Dental Association (ADA) is engaged in a major technology project to update the software systems that support the Dental Admission Test (DAT) and other testing programs. These changes will impact all testing programs during the month of January 2012. These changes will allow us to better serve you; we appreciate your patience and apologize for any potential inconvenience. The services that will be affected and corresponding dates are listed below:
DENTPIN® Application and Retrieval System:
§ January 19, 2012 (5 p.m. CST) to January 30, 2012 – No updates, retrieval or requests will be accepted or processed
§ January 31, 2012 – full system functionality resumes
DAT Application Processing
§ January 3, 2012 to January 19, 2012 (5 p.m. CST) – Normal application processing
§ January 20, 2012 to January 30, 2012 – No applications will be accepted or processed
§ January 31, 2012 – Normal application processing resumes
DAT Score Processing:
§ Examinations taken January 3, 2012 to January 29, 2012 – No official score processing will occur
§ January 30, 2012 – Score processing resumes; however, there may be a delay in mailing/ transmission of score reports due to volume
DAT Score Report Requests:
§ January 3, 2012 to January 19, 2012 (5 p.m. CST) – Normal score report request processing for individuals who tested prior to January 1, 2012
§ January 20, 2012 to January 30, 2012 – No score report requests will be accepted or processed
§ January 31, 2012 – Normal score report request processing resumes
DAT Testing:
§ Testing at Prometric Test Centers will be operational during January 2012, per normal test center schedules, for individuals who have received an eligibility letter prior to January 3, 2012 and scheduled a testing appointment.
Please also share the important information below regarding recent policy changes for the DAT. These changes will become effective January 1, 2012.
DAT Examination Policy Changes Effective January 2012
Ø Shorter Application Eligibility Period
Effective January 1, 2012, the application eligibility period for the DAT will change from 12 months to 6 months.
Applicants will be eligible to schedule a testing appointment for a six month period. If an applicant does not schedule a testing appointment and take the examination within six months, a new application and fee must be submitted.
Ø Information About Examination Irregularities May Accompany Score Reports
If it is determined that an examinee engaged in irregular behavior, information regarding this determination becomes a part of the examinee’s DAT record. In its sole discretion, the ADA may elect to send a summary report documenting the incident, with a brief statement provided by the examinee immediately following the decision by the ADA to report, to legitimately interested parties, including all persons or agencies to which the examinee has instructed that scores be sent, both presently and in the future.
Ø Time Limits for Retesting as a Result of an Appeal
If the ADA grants an examinee an opportunity to retest as a result of an appeal, the examinee must submit an application to retest within 30 days of receipt of the ADA’s decision.
Upon processing of the application, the examinee will remain eligible to test for 90 days following the granting of an appeal and must retest before the eligibility expires, unless different conditions are specified in conjunction with granting the request for appeal.
Contact the Department of Testing Services 800.232.2162, datexam@ada.org
The Optometry Admission Testing Program is engaged in a major technology project to update the software systems that support the Optometry Admissions Test (OAT). These changes will impact the testing program during the month of January 2012. These changes will allow us to better serve you; we appreciate your patience and apologize for any potential inconvenience.
The services that will be affected and corresponding dates are listed below:
OAT Application Processing
§ January 3, 2012 to January 19, 2012 (5 p.m. CST) – Normal application processing
§ January 20, 2012 to January 30, 2012 – No applications will be accepted or processed
§ January 31, 2012 – Normal application processing resumes
OAT Score Processing:
§ Examinations taken January 3, 2012 to January 29, 2012 – No official score processing will occur
§ January 30, 2012 – Score processing resumes; however, there may be a delay in mailing/ transmission of score reports due to volume
OAT Score Report Requests:
§ January 3, 2012 to January 19, 2012 (5 p.m. CST) – Normal score report request processing for individuals who tested prior to January 1, 2012
§ January 20, 2012 to January 30, 2012 – No score report requests will be accepted or processed
§ January 31, 2012 – Normal score report request processing resumes
OAT Testing:
§ Testing at Prometric Test Centers will be operational during January 2012, per normal test center schedules, for individuals who have received an eligibility letter prior to January 3, 2012 and scheduled a testing appointment.
Visit the OAT website at www.opted.org for periodic updates to this information.
Please also share the important information below regarding recent policy changes for the OAT. These changes will become effective January 1, 2012.
OAT Examination Policy Changes Effective January 2012
Ø Shorter Application Eligibility Period
Effective January 1, 2012, the application eligibility period for the OAT will change from 12 months to 6 months.
Applicants will be eligible to schedule a testing appointment for a six month period. If an applicant does not schedule a testing appointment and take the examination within six months, a new application and fee must be submitted.
Ø Information About Examination Irregularities May Accompany Score Reports
If it is determined that an examinee engaged in irregular behavior, information regarding this determination becomes a part of the examinee’s OAT record. In its sole discretion, the Optometry Admission Testing Program may elect to send a summary report documenting the incident, with a brief statement provided by the examinee immediately following the decision by the Optometry Admission Testing Program to report, to legitimately interested parties, including all persons or agencies to which the examinee has instructed that scores be sent, both presently and in the future.
Contact the Optometry Admission Testing Program by telephone at 800.232.2159 or by email at oatexam@ada.org.
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