Volunteers must be native or fluent speakers of both English and Spanish, and have exceptional verbal communication skills. They must be comfortable dealing with families and caregivers in a healthcare setting, and be emotionally and mentally competent to understand patients' concerns. SISI is a perfect way to give back to the Charlottesville Latino community and to gain hands-on clinical experience.
Applicants will have to pass a language proficiency prerequisite created by the UVA Language Assistance Department. They will be holding interviews at Madison House on Friday September 6th from 8am- 2pm. If you are interested in volunteering with SISI, please attend a Madison House Medical Services Info Session next week (http://www.madisonhouse.org/registration/index.php) to sign up for an interview time.
Below is a Spanish-English vocabulary list that will be useful to use in preparing for the interview.
The most important areas to study are:
- Anatomia general: bazo, craneo, vejjga, vesicula, intestine grueso, clavícula etc..
- Enfermedades básicas: Sarampión, ictericia, Artritis, paperas, varicella etc..
- Especialidaes médicas: Dermatología, cardiología, urología etc..
- Partes de un hospital & tests o pruebas médicas: Cuidados intensivos, sala de partos, punción lumbar, etc..
- Vocabulario médico general: Presión arterial, vasos sangineos, marcapaso etc..
For more information or any questions please email Millie Mellenkamp (mmm5cb@virginia.edu) or Luis Ortiz (leo2he@virginia.edu), the two program directors for SISI.
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